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Mathematics & Statistics hosts the Marine Population Modelling group which is engaged in research into topics surrounding marine resource modelling and ecology. Recent work has included important developments in the population modelling of marine species.

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Jump to: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Number of items: 6.


Ma, J. and Cheesman, A. and Ashfold, M.N.R. and Hay, K.G. and Wright, S. and Langford, N. and Duxbury, G. and Mankelevich, Y.A. (2009) Quantum cascade laser investigations of CH4 and C2H2 interconversion in hydrocarbon/H2 gas mixtures during microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of diamond. Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (3). 033305. ISSN 0021-8979


Hay, K.G. and Wright, S. and Duxbury, G. and Langford, N. (2008) In-flight measurements of ambient methane, nitrous oxide and water using a quantum cascade laser based spectrometer. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 90 (2). pp. 329-337. ISSN 0946-2171


Duxbury, G. and Langford, N. and McCulloch, M. T. and Wright, S. (2007) Rapid passage induced population transfer and coherences in the 8 micron spectrum of nitrous oxide. Molecular Physics, 105 (5-7). pp. 741-754. ISSN 0026-8976


Cheesman, A. and Smith, J.A. and Ashfold, M.N.R. and Langford, N. and Wright, S. and Duxbury, G. (2006) Application of a quantum cascade laser for time-resolved, in situ probing of CH4/H2 and C2H2/H2 gas mixtures during microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of diamond. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110 (8). 2821 -2828. ISSN 1089-5639

Langford, N. and Duxbury, G. and Wright, S. (2006) A compact quantum-cascade laser based spectrometer for monitoring the concentrations of methane and nitrous oxide in the troposphere. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 85 (2-3). pp. 243-249. ISSN 0946-2171


Duxbury, G and Langford, N and McCulloch, M T and Wright, S (2005) Quantum cascade semiconductor infrared and far-infrared lasers : from trace gas sensing to non-linear optics. Chemical Society Reviews, 34 (11). pp. 921-934. ISSN 0306-0012

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