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Number of items: 12.


Huq, M.M. and Toyama, M. (2005) An analysis of factors influencing the development of new products in the Thai food industry. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 5 (2). pp. 159-173. ISSN 1474-2748

Huq, M.M. and Tribe, M. (2004) Economic development in a changing globalized economy. Journal of International Development, 16 (6). pp. 911-923. ISSN 0954-1748

Book Section

Huq, M.M.; (2003) Bangladesh industrialisation for sustained output growth, employment generation and export expansion: implications of performance since independence. In: Bangladesh's Development Agenda and Vision 2020. Dhaka University Press. ISBN 984-05-1659-0

Islam, K.M.N. and Huq, M.M.; (2003) Failure to absorb technology: a case study of fertiliser manufacturing in Bangladesh. In: Building Technological Capability: Issues and Prospects - Nepal, Bangladesh and India. University Press. ISBN 984-05-1633-7

Huq, M.M.; (2003) Good governance perspectives, and issues from the Asia-Pacific region and Africa. In: Governance, Partnership and Poverty: Report of The Commonwealth Secretariat-CIRDAP Workshop on Governance, Partnership, and Poverty, 14-17 December 2002, CIRDAP, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Training Series No. 73 . CIRDAP. ISBN 984-8104-44-5

Huq, M.M.; (2003) Should developing countries adopt a technology policy? In: Technology and Development in the New Millenium. Karachi University. ISBN 0-9648260-0-3

Lewis, C.W. and Huq, M.M.; Azhar, A., ed. (2003) Technology and development in the new millenium: an overview. In: Technology and Development in the New Millenium. Karachi University. ISBN 0-9648260-0-3

Huq, M.M.; (2001) Export competitiveness of Bangladesh leather manufacturing: a policy success? In: Strategies for Industrialisation: The Case of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Press. ISBN 984-05-1548-9


Huq, M.M. and Clunies-Ross, A. and Forsyth, D. (2009) Development economics. McGraw Hill. ISBN 9780077114534

Huq, M.M. (2003) Building technological capability: issues and prospects - Nepal, Bangladesh and India. Dhaka, University Press. ISBN 984-05-1633-7


Perman, Roger and Huq, Mozammel (2010) Economic appraisal of General Budget Support Modes of IDA : a methodology. Department for International Development, London.


Tribe, Michael and Huq, Mohammed (2019) Ghana's New National Income Data Series : Follow-up To M Huq and M Tribe's the Economy Of Ghana : 50 Years of Economic Development (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

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