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Number of items: 7.


Sanjurjo, Jesús (2023) Centring Blackness : towards a new public history of the Spanish empire. European History Quarterly, 53 (1). pp. 40-44. ISSN 0265-6914

Sanjurjo, Jesús (2023) Centring Blackness in European History : a European History Quarterly forum. European History Quarterly, 53 (1). pp. 5-7. ISSN 0265-6914

Sanjurjo, Jesús and Barcia, Manuel (2020) New approaches to the slave trade, slavery, abolition and emancipation across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Atlantic Studies, 17 (3). pp. 297-301. ISSN 1478-8810

Sanjurjo-Ramos, Jesus (2020) "Without liberty there is no honour", nor democracy. Cuba, slavery and abolitionism in nineteenth century Spain’s empire. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 26 (2). pp. 137-148. ISSN 1470-1847

Sanjurjo Ramos, Jesús (2016) Negros o esclavos : la retórica de la esclavitud en la prensa española del exilio londinense (1818-1825). Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 62. 062-009.

Book Section

Sanjurjo, Jesús and Barcia, Manuel; Sanjurjo, Jesús and Barcia, Manuel, eds. (2023) Introduction : new approaches to the slave trade, slavery, abolition and emancipation across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In: New Approaches to the Comparative Abolition in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781003378747


Sanjurjo, Jesús (2015) Galbán Godríguez, Eduardo, La abolición de la esclavitud en España. De­bates parlamentarios, 1810-­1886, Madrid, Dykinson, 2014, 237 pp. [Review]

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