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Price, Robert and MacDonald, Lewis and Gillies, Norman and Day, Alasdair and Brightman, Edward and Li, Jun (2023) Utilisation and valorisation of distillery whisky waste streams via biomass electrolysis : electrosynthesis of hydrogen. Faraday Discussions, 247. pp. 270-290. ISSN 1359-6640
MacDonald, Lewis and Rausch, Benjamin and Symes, Mark D. and Cronin, Leroy (2018) Selective hydrogenation of nitroarenes using an electrogenerated polyoxometalate redox mediator. Chemical Communications, 54 (9). pp. 1093-1096. ISSN 1364-548X
MacDonald, Lewis and McGlynn, Jessica C. and Irvine, Nicola and Alshibane, Ihfaf and Bloor, Leanne G. and Rausch, Benjamin and Hargreaves, Justin S. J. and Cronin, Leroy (2017) Using earth abundant materials for the catalytic evolution of hydrogen from electron-coupled proton buffers. Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 1 (8). pp. 1782-1787.