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Mathematics & Statistics hosts the Marine Population Modelling group which is engaged in research into topics surrounding marine resource modelling and ecology. Recent work has included important developments in the population modelling of marine species.

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Number of items: 3.


Yurtseven, M. A. and Boulougouris, E. and Turan, O.; Kujala, Pentti and Lu, Liangliang, eds. (2018) Container ship stowage plan using steepest ascent hill climbing, genetic, and simulated annealing algorithms. In: Marine Design XIII. CRC Press, FIN, pp. 617-623. ISBN 9781138541870

Yurtseven, Mehmet Ali and Boulougouris, Evangelos and Turan, Osman; Kujala, Pentti and Lu, Liangliang, eds. (2018) Container vessel stowage plan using genetic, hill-climbing and simulated annealing algorithms. In: Marine Design XIII. CRC Press, FIN. ISBN 9781138541870


Yurtseven, M.A. and Boulougouris, E. and Turan, O. and Papadopoulos, N.; Soares, Carlos Guedes and Teixeira, Ângelo P., eds. (2017) Optimization of container stowage using simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. In: Maritime Transportation and Harvesting of Sea Resources. CRC/Taylor & Francis Group, PRT, pp. 881-886. ISBN 9780815379935

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