Results of the first coincident observations by two laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors

Nicholson, D. and Dickson, C. A. and Watkins, W. J. and Schutz, B. F. and Shuttleworth, J. and Jones, G. S. and Robertson, D. I. and Mackenzie, N. L. and Strain, K. A. and Meers, B. J. and Newton, G. P. and Ward, H. and Cantley, C. A. and Robertson, N. A. and Hough, J. and Danzmann, K. and Niebauer, T. M. and Rüdiger, A. and Schilling, R. and Schnupp, L. and Winkler, W. (1996) Results of the first coincident observations by two laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 218 (3-6). pp. 175-180. ISSN 0375-9601 (

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We report an upper bound on the strain amplitude of gravitational wave bursts in a waveband from around 800 Hz to 1.25 kHz. In an effective coincident observing period of 62 hours, the prototype laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors of the University of Glasgow and Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, have set a limit of 4.9 × 10-16, averaging over wave polarizations and incident directions. This is roughly a factor of 2 worse than the theoretical best limit that the detectors could have set, the excess being due to unmodelled non-Gaussian noise. The experiment has demonstrated the viability of the kind of observations planned for the large-scale interferometers that should be on-line in a few years time.