Influence of composition diffusion on the band structures of InGaNAs/GaAs quantum wells investigated by the band-anticrossing model
Qiu, Y.N. and Rorison, J.M. and Sun, H.D. and Calvez, S. and Dawson, M.D. and Bryce, A.C. (2005) Influence of composition diffusion on the band structures of InGaNAs/GaAs quantum wells investigated by the band-anticrossing model. Applied Physics Letters, 87 (23). 231112. ISSN 0003-6951 (
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We investigate the influence of quantum-well intermixing (QWI) on the electronic band structure of GaInNAs/GaAs multiquantum wells. The band structures and optical transitions have been calculated based on the band-anticrossing (BAC) model and Fick's interdiffusion law for both intermixed and nonintermixed samples, respectively. The calculated results are consistent with the true optical transitions observed by photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectroscopy. Our investigation indicates that BAC model is valid for interdiffused quantum wells and verifies that the QWI process in GaInNAs/GaAs multiquantum wells is induced mainly by the interdiffusion of In-Ga between the quantum wells and barriers.
Qiu, Y.N., Rorison, J.M., Sun, H.D., Calvez, S., Dawson, M.D.
Item type: Article ID code: 5308 Dates: DateEvent5 December 2005PublishedSubjects: Science > Physics > Optics. Light Department: Faculty of Science > Physics > Institute of Photonics Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 04 Feb 2008 Last modified: 29 Jan 2025 23:17 Related URLs: URI: