GaInNAs/GaAs Bragg-mirror-based structures for novel 1.3um device applications

Calvez, S. and Hopkins, J.M. and Smith, S.A. and Clark, A.H. and Macaluso, R. and Sun, H.D. and Dawson, M.D. and Jouhti, T. and Pessa, M. and Gundogdu, K. and Hall, K.C. and Boggess, T.F. (2004) GaInNAs/GaAs Bragg-mirror-based structures for novel 1.3um device applications. Journal of Crystal Growth, 268 (3-4). pp. 457-465. ISSN 0022-0248 (

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We report the use of GaInNAs/GaAs material system for a range of 1.3 μm vertical-cavity devices namely VCSELs, VCSOAs, VECSELs and SESAMs. Using optical pumping, we demonstrate that up to 4 mW of 1290 nm output power can be fibre-coupled from a VCSEL. We also show that tayloring the VCSEL structure allows to produce a monolithic long-wavelength VCSOA with up to 16 dB of gain. We also report the first demonstration of a 1.3 μm VECSEL with more than 0.5 W of CW ouptut power. Finally, annealing effects on the properties of a GaInNAs SBR and modelocking of two Nd:doped solid state lasers using this element are described.