Tackling long term unemployment : a proposal

Kirwan, Frank (1983) Tackling long term unemployment : a proposal. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 9 (2). pp. 56-58. ISSN 0306-7866

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In Britain during July of 1983 11% of a l l male claimants on the unemployment register had been unemployed for at l e a s t one year. Over 60% had been unemployed for six months or more. The proportions for females were somewhat lower, but one in four had been a claimant for over one year, while one in two had been a claimant for at least six months. The incidence of long term unemployment has been increasing over time. In July of 1981 46% of all men and women on the register had been out of work for six months or more. Two years later the proportion thus affected had increased to 58%. These are national figures and embrace people of all ages. In some parts of the country - the West Midlands, North and North West of England - and amongst some age groups - the over 35's and particularly the over 45's - the proportions are significantly higher. This economic perspective seeks to propose an alternative approach to solving Britain's long term unemployment problem.