Sweet dreams? : Testing prognostics and reinterpreting sugarcane ethanol biofuel in Brazil

Sica de Campos, André Luiz and Tyfield, David and de Mello, Leonardo Freire and Garvey, Brian (2024) Sweet dreams? : Testing prognostics and reinterpreting sugarcane ethanol biofuel in Brazil. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 7 (1). 2398950. ISSN 2572-9861 (https://doi.org/10.1080/25729861.2024.2398950)

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We present a framework regarding analysis of, and engagement with, socio-technical innovations and power/knowledge trajectories for sugarcane ethanol biofuel in Brazil, testing post hoc our prognostics against recent factual evidence. This assessment offers evidence regarding the value of such analysis, given the relative rarity of research that revisits anticipated changes in Science and Technology Studies. Contending that learning and improving our forms of engaged analysis demands such retrospective assessment, we report results of a 2014/2015 study on sugarcane ethanol biofuel and automobility in Brazil. In this study, we analyze the discourse of a “responsible research and innovation” (RRI) perspective and confirm particular trends in Brazil.


Sica de Campos, André Luiz, Tyfield, David, de Mello, Leonardo Freire and Garvey, Brian ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1931-8679;