Play well, print well : using LEGO bricks as an intuitive benchmarking tool for 3D printers

Air, Alan and Wodehouse, Andrew (2024) Play well, print well : using LEGO bricks as an intuitive benchmarking tool for 3D printers. Proceedings of the Design Society, 4 (DESIGN). 1707–1716. ISSN 2732-527X (

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In 3D printing, calibration is crucial for accurate prints, particularly those with complex or intricate features. This paper focuses on developing, manufacturing, and testing a benchmarking model to assess the dimensional accuracy of 3D printers. The aim is to evaluate the 3D printed model against a universally recognized real-world equivalent – a LEGO® brick – using its interlock function as a test with an engaging element. An interlock benchmarking framework aids further analysis of the model's performance, and a checklist for the model is provided for additional visual analysis.