Live chicken egg embryos as an alternative in vivo tumour model for deep surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

McCabe, Samantha M. and Gardiner, Hannah and Mullen, Calum and Wallace, Gregory Q. and Shand, Neil C. and Mullen, Alexander B. and Horan, Linda and Graham, Duncan and Faulds, Karen and Boyd, Marie (2024) Live chicken egg embryos as an alternative in vivo tumour model for deep surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Analyst. ISSN 0003-2654 (

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Live chicken egg embryos offer new opportunities for evaluation and continuous monitoring of tumour growth for in vivo studies compared to traditional rodent models. Here, we report the first use of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) mapping and surface enhanced spatially offset Raman scattering (SESORS) for the detection and localisation of targeted gold nanoparticles in live chicken egg embryos bearing a glioblastoma tumour.