Feel what you feel : effects of Reiki on young people in secure and residential childcare?

Jackson, Abbi (2024) Feel what you feel : effects of Reiki on young people in secure and residential childcare? Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 23 (1). pp. 107-123. ISSN 1478-1840

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Action research was used to examine the potential of Reiki as a valid treatment in support of trauma recovery for young people in residential and secure care in Scotland. An explanation of Reiki is provided along with an outline of the general presentation of young people in placement in these settings. Attention is given to the preparation and risk assessment of the treatment trial in terms of safety and trauma-informed practice. Nineteen young people self-selected to participate. The relationship between the Reiki experience and the number of incidents in the care setting is considered, alongside self-report feedback and behavioural observations. Overall participants were more relaxed, and Reiki had a positive effect on wellbeing. Limitations of Reiki for this client group are noted.