Supporting the religious and spiritual needs of looked-after and accommodated children in Scotland

Barratt, Chris (2009) Supporting the religious and spiritual needs of looked-after and accommodated children in Scotland. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 8 (1). pp. 38-50. ISSN 1478-1840

[thumbnail of Barratt-SJRCC-2009-Supporting-the-religious-and-spiritual-needs-of-looked-after]
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This paper examines the importance of the right of looked-after and accommodated children in Scotland to follow their personal, cultural, religious and spiritual beliefs. This is a broad canvas which I will approach from the perspective of religious and spiritual needs. As will be seen, these are inextricable from personal and cultural beliefs. In this paper, the terms 'young person' and 'child' are used interchangeably to include both children and young people. Also, I would like to stress that the paper represents my personal reflections and does not represent the views of the Care Commission in Scotland.