Life-space intervention : implications for caregiving

Gharabaghi, Kiaras and Stuart, Carol (2013) Life-space intervention : implications for caregiving. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 12 (3). ISSN 1478-1840

[thumbnail of Gharabaghi-Stuart-SJRCC-2013-Life-space-intervention-implications]
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This article explores the concept of life-space intervention, and proposes four dimensions of a single, unified life-space: The physical dimension, where young people's lives unfold; the mental dimension, reflecting how young people make sense of their life-space; the relational dimension, assigning 'space' to young people's relationships; and, the virtual dimension, constituted by technology-based platforms for the construction of identity as well as by the imagination and fantasies held by young people. The implications of this conceptualization of a multi-dimensional single life-spaced are discussed in relation to being present with young people, and the agency-structure dilemma is explored in relation to generating change in the lives of young people.