Supporting young people's experience of preparing to leave children's homes to live independently : implications for leadership - a view from practice

O'Brien, Nat (2015) Supporting young people's experience of preparing to leave children's homes to live independently : implications for leadership - a view from practice. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 14 (2). ISSN 1478-1840

[thumbnail of O-Brien-SJRCC-2015-Supporting-young-peoples-experience-of-preparing-to-leave]
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This paper considers the value of shared leadership and co-production techniques when enabling young people to progress towards independence. Two examples are discussed to illustrate where this worked particularly well in bringing about developments in practice. The first relates to identifying goals for change for young people: My Steps to Success. The second focuses on the production of 'young people friendly' pathway plans. The paper concludes by thinking about some of the ways shared leadership can serve to improve the experiences of young people who are preparing to leave residential care to live independently.