Towards diversified street life : the social-spatial research of central inner city's mixed district, Nanjing c.1900s-2018

Sun, Yichang and Bao, Li; (2022) Towards diversified street life : the social-spatial research of central inner city's mixed district, Nanjing c.1900s-2018. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1052-1061. ISBN 9781914241161

[thumbnail of Sun-Bao-ISUF-2021-Towards-Diversified-Street-Life-The-Social-spatial-Research]
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This paper explores the transition of street pattern in the mixed district of central inner-city, Nanjing, with a focus on the transitional mechanism and the local streets that provide high potentials for natural pedestrian movement, triggering diversified activities in urban dwellers' quotidian life. Based on a series of historical maps, the streets formed and developed in different periods have been analysed to reveal the mechanism. Space Syntax theory and method are then employed to examine the changing configuration of street network in the case study area over five historical periods. The analysis emphasizes the higher potential of local streets, compared with the main street, in advocating pedestrian movement, which is widely connected with citizens' domestic and commercial activities. The paper extends understandings of how street pattern, as one of the most important urban form elements, has interacted with citizens' socio-economic life over time.