On the origin of Italian renaissance radio centric cities : a graphical review

Alvira, Ricardo; (2022) On the origin of Italian renaissance radio centric cities : a graphical review. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 125-135. ISBN 9781914241161

[thumbnail of Alvira-ISUF-2021-On-the-origin-of-Italian-renaissance]
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From mid-fifteenth century to the first third of the sixteenth century, several architects proposed novel radio centric urban layouts in the north of Italy. There is lack of agreement between scholars on the origin/sources of these radiocentric layouts. Broadly, we can divide them into two groups. The main group of scholars asserts Vitruvius' De Reaedificatoria was the main source of these designs. However, a smaller and more differentiated group, points out to several other sources, including both Greek and medieval sources. In this brief communication we compare these two approaches, pointing out to the greatest consistency of Greek Sources, and specifically, to Plato's dialogues as origin of these radio centric layouts.