Urban form and sustainable mobility choices - analyzing energy use and carbon emissions from transportation in typical Swedish neighborhoods

Stojanovski, Todor; (2022) Urban form and sustainable mobility choices - analyzing energy use and carbon emissions from transportation in typical Swedish neighborhoods. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1106-1119. ISBN 9781914241161

[thumbnail of Stojanovski-ISUF-2021-Urban-form-and-sustainable-mobility-choices]
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Many Swedish municipalities have ambitious goals to cut carbon emissions from transportation, but the urban form is a major obstacle. The lack of mobility choices in many Swedish neighborhoods and cities designed for automobiles hinders the possibilities to shift towards more sustainable travel alternatives. Urban designers and planners can help with redesigning these neighborhoods and creating urban forms that encourage walking, cycling and increased use of public transportation if policy is morphologically informed about the environmental performance and carbon implications of transportation systems in existing and newly planned neighborhoods. This paper proposes a model to assess the effect of urban form on sustainable mobility choices by analyzing typical Swedish neighborhoods. It firstly present a model of the typical Swedish city and later it analyzes the sustainable mobility choices as a set of urban form and accessibility factors commonly used in urban planning and design practices. Swedish typomorphology has a long tradition and the typomorphological urban model is based on previous conceptualizations by Swedish morphologists as Greger Paulsson, Björn Linn, Carl-Johan Engström and Johan Rådberg. The mobility choices model that is used to assess the buildings in the typical neighborhoods produces heat maps and visually informs about the integration with walking, cycling, public transportation and private car, modal shares, carbon emissions and transportation energy use. This information can (potentially) trigger urban transformation or redesign to better integrate sustainable travel alternatives in these neighborhoods and contribute to more sustainable cities. In the ongoing pandemics and lockdowns the possibilities to walk and cycle are increasingly appreciated.