Modelling recreation demand using choice experiments: climbing in Scotland
Hanley, N. and Koop, G.M. and Wright, R.E. (2002) Modelling recreation demand using choice experiments: climbing in Scotland. Environmental and Resource Economics, 22 (3). pp. 449-466. ISSN 0924-6460 (
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This paper is concerned with the use of thechoice experiment method for modelling thedemand for recreation, using the example ofrock-climbing in Scotland. We begin byoutlining the method itself, including itstheoretical and econometric underpinnings. Datacollection procedures are then outlined. Wepresent results from both nested and non-nestedmodels, and report some tests for theimplications of choice complexity andrationality. Finally, we compare our resultswith a revealed preference data model based onthe same sample of climbers.
Hanley, N., Koop, G.M.

Item type: Article ID code: 6931 Dates: DateEventJuly 2002PublishedSubjects: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > Recreation Leisure
Social Sciences > Economic Theory
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > Environmental SciencesDepartment: Strathclyde Business School > Economics Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 01 Oct 2008 Last modified: 19 Feb 2025 22:11 URI: