Organic thin film transistors with multi-finger contacts as voltage amplifiers

Al Ruzaiqi, Afra and Ishaku, Amayikai A. and Gleskova, Helena (2018) Organic thin film transistors with multi-finger contacts as voltage amplifiers. IEEE Access, 6 (1). pp. 43770-43775. ISSN 2169-3536 (

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Low-voltage p-type organic transistors with two types of multi-finger source/drain contacts were fabricated on glass and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN). They exhibited threshold voltage between −0.3 and −0.5 V and field-effect mobility between 0.2 and 0.4 cm2/Vs. Their transconductance in saturation operation varied from 25 to 60 uS and scaled with the gate dielectric capacitance and transistor dimensions. All transistors operated beyond 1 kHz, while the transistors with the shortest channel length (L = 20 um, W = 4.03 mm) exhibited a cut-off frequency of 13.4 kHz. The transistors were used to build simple voltage amplifiers by adding a resistor Rd on the drain side of the transistor. Higher Rd required higher supply voltage Vdd but resulted in increased voltage gain. A voltage gain in excess of 8 V/V was obtained for Vdd of −12 V and Rd of 220 kohm when transistor with medium value of transconductance of 37 uS was used. Consequently, the voltage gain of 10 V/V is achievable, making such transistor structures viable for sensor development.