Dynamic resonance analysis and oscillation damping of multiterminal DC grids
Liu, Yuchao and Raza, Ali and Rouzbehi, Kumars and Li, Binbin and Xu, Dianguo and Williams, Barry W. (2017) Dynamic resonance analysis and oscillation damping of multiterminal DC grids. IEEE Access, 5. pp. 16974-16984. ISSN 2169-3536 (https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2740567)
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Voltage source converter (VSC) based multi-terminal high voltage direct current (VSC-MTDC) systems/grids are prone to system instability. This critical issue is overlooked in literature. In order to improve the system stability, this paper proposes an effective active damping method as a remedy to suppress voltage and power resonances in the VSC-MTDC grids by injecting damping signals into the inner current loops of VSC-MTDC stations. With dynamic regulation of the damping current, resonance is suppressed by power converter controllers without any additional current and voltage measurement. In this study, modeling and stability analysis of VSC-MTDC system/grid is presented considering the dc-side energy storage components, and control with a droop control structure. Then, single-frequency and multi-frequency resonance mechanisms of dc-bus voltage and power in the event of transients are analyzed. Later, stability effect of MTDC system/grid inductance and capacitance values to the resonance amplitude and frequency droop coefficients is investigated. A PSCAD/EMTDC platform is developed to conduct dynamic simulations, and a scaled-down four-terminal 20 kW experimental prototype is used to validate the effectiveness of proposed control methodology.
Item type: Article ID code: 61855 Dates: DateEvent27 August 2017Published5 August 2017AcceptedNotes: (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Subjects: Technology > Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering Department: Faculty of Engineering > Electronic and Electrical Engineering Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 26 Sep 2017 10:25 Last modified: 09 Mar 2025 01:38 Related URLs: URI: https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/id/eprint/61855