Getting from the story of a dispute to the law
Rose, Emily; Kirwan, Samuel, ed. (2016) Getting from the story of a dispute to the law. In: Advising in Austerity. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 139-146. ISBN 9781447334149
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What is your approach to giving employment advice? Responses to this question from specialist and generalist advisers, as well as solicitors working with the CAB Service, emphasised a particular process. While the advice interview must start with clients’ stories, this initial narrative account represents only the first step; it is in what comes after this that the critical work of advice is achieved. In this chapter I explore how advisers move from the story of a dispute to the law. The practice engaged in by advisers is far more than simply an exercise in legal diagnostics. As will be explained in this chapter, this represents just one stage. Other critical elements include teasing out the full range of relevant factual detail relating to the employment dispute, communicating the law to clients, and framing the law in terms of possible courses of action. These latter aspects of the process take into account contextual issues beyond the immediate law, and involve consideration of the hurdles inherent in the Employment Tribunal process, the disposition of the client, and the level of support that the adviser can offer throughout the course of the dispute.
Rose, Emily
Item type: Book Section ID code: 59491 Dates: DateEvent14 December 2016PublishedNotes: This is a post-peer-review, pre-copy edited version of an extract/chapter published in Advising in austerity: Reflections on challenging times for advice agencies. Details of the definitive published version and how to purchase it are available online at: Subjects: Law Department: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) > Strathclyde Law School > Law Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 19 Jan 2017 13:34 Last modified: 02 Feb 2025 17:50 Related URLs: URI: