Residual stress generation in tungsten-copper brazed joint using brazing alloy
Easton, D. and Wood, J. and Rahimi, S. and Galloway, A. and Zhang, Y. and Hardie, C.; (2016) Residual stress generation in tungsten-copper brazed joint using brazing alloy. In: Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 2015 IEEE 26th Symposium on. IEEE, USA. ISBN 9781479982646 (
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Understanding the residual stress state in brazed joints is crucial for operational design and life time performance of the part in service. High magnitudes residual stresses are expected in the joined materials following cooling from brazing temperatures (≈950°C) due to large mismatches in material properties such as coefficient of thermal expansion and Young’s modulus. This study aims at further understanding of the generation and distribution of residual stresses when brazing tungsten to copper using a eutectic gold-copper brazing alloy. This configuration is potentially useful for future divertor designs. Finite Element Analysis (FEM) has been used to predict the brazing induced stresses and residual stress measurements were carried out on the brazed joint by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to validate the prediction model. Large residual stresses are predicted and measured in the tungsten; however there is disagreement in the sign of the stress. Predicted stresses are highly tensile in nature close to the brazing interface, whereas the measured stresses are highly compressive. The disagreement is believed to be caused by the model not accurately simulating the complex brazing process. Residual stress measurements on the copper were not possible due to texturing during brazing, grain growth and significant inelastic strains and deformations. Misalignment of parent materials was also observed to significantly affect residual stresses.
Easton, D.

Item type: Book Section ID code: 58219 Dates: DateEvent2 June 2016Published31 May 2015AcceptedNotes: © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Subjects: Technology > Mechanical engineering and machinery Department: Faculty of Engineering > Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Faculty of Engineering > Design, Manufacture and Engineering ManagementDepositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 24 Oct 2016 11:54 Last modified: 02 Feb 2025 17:44 Related URLs: URI: