El exilio como requisito para el oficio de intelectual de José Luis L. Aranguren
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz; Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz and López Fernández, Laura, eds. (2012) El exilio como requisito para el oficio de intelectual de José Luis L. Aranguren. In: Exilio e identidad en el mundo hispánic. Biblioteca Virtual Cervantes, pp. 656-74. ISBN 9788415548034 (http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/nd/ark:/59851/bmcn...)
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The aim of this article is to explore the relationship which the Spanish thinker José Luis L. Aranguren maintained with exile, both, as an experience and as a concept. I argue that Aranguren, not only contributed to establishing a bridge of communication between exiled Republican intellectuals and those who remained in Spain, but also that Aranguren himself became an exile when, as a result of the student demonstration which took place at the University of Central in 1965, he was removed from his chair at that same University. As a consequence, he decided to emigrate to the United States, where he eventually became a tenured-professor at the University of Berkeley, California. He remained there until, after Franco’s death, he was reinstated at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This article analyses the decisive impact that his stay in California had on his thought, which evolved from being focused on religion and ethics to becoming increasingly concerned with socio-political issues. Moreover, exile has such an influence on his thought that he even argues that intellectual exile constitutes a key requisite in order to be able to perform the task of the intellectual; that is to say, acting as a socio-political and moral critic of society, but doing so from an independent standpoint, without taking any part in the mechanisms of power.
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz
Item type: Book Section ID code: 45179 Dates: DateEvent2012PublishedSubjects: History General and Old World > Spain
Political ScienceDepartment: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) > Humanities > Spanish Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 15 Oct 2013 13:55 Last modified: 11 Nov 2024 14:53 URI: https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/id/eprint/45179