Generation of subnanosecond microwave pulses based on the Cherenkov superradiance effect
Ginzburg, N S and Zotova, I V and Sergeev, A S and Rozental', R M and Shpak, V G and Yalandin, M I and Felps, A D R and Cross, A V and Phelps, Alan (2002) Generation of subnanosecond microwave pulses based on the Cherenkov superradiance effect. Technical Physics Letters, 47 (3). pp. 335-342. ISSN 1063-7850 (
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Experimentally observed Cherenkov superradiance produced by a subnanosecond electron bunch traveling through a partially filled waveguide is reported. 400-ps microwave pulses with a peak power of 2 MW are obtained. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis and numerical simulations performed with the help of the PIC code KARAT. (C) 2002 MAIK "Nauka / Interperiodica".
Ginzburg, N S, Zotova, I V, Sergeev, A S, Rozental', R M, Shpak, V G, Yalandin, M I, Felps, A D R, Cross, A V

Item type: Article ID code: 35816 Dates: DateEvent2002PublishedNotes: This paper was first published in a Russian journal and then translated into an English journal without consulting the authors. In the translated version the author's name "A. D. R. Phelps" was mis-translated as "A. D. R. Felps". Also "A. W. Cross" was mis-translated as "A. V. Cross". Both of these are internal authors in the Physics Department. Subjects: Science > Physics > Plasma physics. Ionized gases Department: Faculty of Science > Physics Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 11 Nov 2011 12:45 Last modified: 26 Mar 2025 02:14 URI: