Time-resolved optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy of low-frequency dynamics in Di-L-alanine, poly-L-alanine, and lysozyme in solution
Giraud, Gerard and Wynne, Klaas (2002) Time-resolved optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy of low-frequency dynamics in Di-L-alanine, poly-L-alanine, and lysozyme in solution. Journal of Chemical Physics, 124 (41). pp. 12110-12111. ISSN 0021-9606 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja027801h S0002-7863(02)...)
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The low-frequency spectra of peptides and proteins in solution have been investigated with optical heterodyne-detected Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy. Spectra were obtained for di-L-alanine ALA(2) and poly-L-alanine (PLA) in dichloroacetic acid solution. The conformational dependence of those spectra at low frequency has been analyzed. ALA(2) displays a band centered at 50 cm-1, whereas the -helical PLA shows two shoulders at 60 and 140 cm-1. The similarity of the spectral features observed in PLA to those in water can be explained by analogous acoustic translational modes in the hydrogen network of the PLA -helix. The mostly -helical protein lysozyme in aqueous solution has also been investigated and showed significantly more structure with modes at 10, 35, 73, 106, and 164 cm-1.
Giraud, Gerard and Wynne, Klaas
Item type: Article ID code: 3100 Dates: DateEvent21 September 2002PublishedSubjects: Science > Physics > Solid state physics. Nanoscience Department: Faculty of Science > Physics Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 02 Apr 2007 Last modified: 19 Mar 2025 18:53 URI: https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/id/eprint/3100