Modelling high temperature salt condensation; Fick and Soret diffusion effects
Mulholland, A.J. and Gomatam, J. and Jenkins, A. (1999) Modelling high temperature salt condensation; Fick and Soret diffusion effects. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 38 (5). pp. 436-441. ISSN 1290-0729 (
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The need for developing models to understand the fouling mechanisms in heat exchangers arises from the enormous cost that this entails to the European Community (approximately 10,000 MECU per year). This paper is addressed to developing a general mathematical model based on local thermochemical equilibrium (LTCE), incorporating mass conservation constraints which allow for deposition. This calculation has been performed in an entirely novel way using a stochastic optimisation technique and can deal with complex multi-species, multi-phase systems involving non-ideal equations of states. The flux estimation is based on Fick and Soret diffusion effects in the chemically frozen boundary layer (CFBL). The physical properties of the system at various temperatures are computed with the help of the Chapman-Enskog theory for the Lennard-Jones (6-12) potential. We describe a novel probe which has been designed for the measurement of high temperature condensation.Le besoin de developper des modeles pour comprendre les mecanismes d'encrassement dans les echangeurs a pour origine le cout important qu'il represente dans la Communaute europeenne (de l'ordre de 10 milliards d'ecus par an). Cet article a pour objectif de developper un modele mathematique general s'appuyant sur l'equilibre thermochimique local (LTCE), qui respecte les contraintes du bilan matiere pendant le depot. Le calcul a ete realise d'une facon entierement nouvelle, en utilisant une technique d'optimisation stochastique qui permet de traiter des systemes complexes a composants et phases multiples et a equations d'etat non ideales. L'estimation du flux s'appuie sur les effets des diffusions de Fick et de Soret dans une couche limite de transfert de masse non reactive (CFBL). Les proprietes physiques du systeme sont calculees a l'aide de la theorie de Chapman-Enskog pour le potentiel (6-12) de Lennard-Jones. Nous decrivons aussi une nouvelle sonde concue pour mesurer la condensation a haute temperature
Mulholland, A.J.
Item type: Article ID code: 18658 Dates: DateEvent1999PublishedSubjects: Science > Mathematics Department: Faculty of Science > Mathematics and Statistics Depositing user: Mrs Carolynne Westwood Date deposited: 15 Oct 2010 13:00 Last modified: 30 Jan 2025 07:37 URI: