Scotland in the Twentieth Century
Finlay, Richard J. (1996) Scotland in the Twentieth Century. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 074860751X
Full text not available in this repository.Abstract
This ambitious project surveys the massive changes the 20th century has brought to Scotland. The nation's leading commentators give an overview of the most important trends, providing new insights and fresh perspectives. Comparative reference to other societies in the UK and Europe highlight the unique elements of Scotland's distinctive development. Home Rule issues, the discovery of oil, deindustrialisation, public housing, education, landownership, the role of women, social class, and many more areas of Scottish life are assessed and explored in this rich, rewarding and comprehensive study.
Finlay, Richard J.
Item type: Book ID code: 1575 Dates: DateEventNovember 1996PublishedSubjects: Political Science > Political institutions (Europe) > Scotland Department: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) > Humanities > History Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 12 Sep 2006 Last modified: 11 Nov 2024 15:37 URI: