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Whitworth, Adam (2020) Policy geographies revisited. People, Place and Policy, 14 (3). pp. 249-261.
Johnson, Victoria C.A. and Hall, Stephan and Barton, John and Emanuel-Yusuf, Damie and Longhurst, Noel and O'Grady, Áine and Robertson, Elizabeth and Sherry-Brennan, Fionnguala and Robinson, Elaine (2014) Community energy and equity : the distributional implications of a transition to a decentralised electricity system. People, Place and Policy, 8 (3). pp. 149-167.
Whitworth, Adam and McLennan, David (2010) Geographical displacement or diffusion of benefit around area-based interventions? Evidence from the new deal for communities. People, Place and Policy, 4 (3). pp. 76-88.