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Wilson, T C and Sheng, Z-M and McKenna, P and Hidding, B (2023) Self-focusing, compression and collapse of ultrashort weakly-relativistic Laguerre Gaussian lasers in near-critical plasma. Journal of Physics Communications, 7 (3). 035002. ISSN 2399-6528
Alotaibi, Badriah Mesfer M and Khalil, Sh M and McNeil, Brian and Traczykowski, Piotr (2019) Modelling a laser plasma accelerator driven free electron laser. Journal of Physics Communications, 3 (6). 065007. ISSN 2399-6528
Cotter, J P and Cameron, R P (2019) Multi-path interferometry using single photons. Journal of Physics Communications, 3. pp. 1-7. 045012. ISSN 2399-6528
Moriya, P H and Araújo, M O and Todão, F and Hemmerling, M and Keßler, H and Shiozaki, R F and Celistrino Teixeira, R and Courteille, Ph W (2018) Comparison between 403 nm and 497 nm repumping schemes for strontium magneto-optical traps. Journal of Physics Communications, 2 (12). 125008. ISSN 2399-6528
Cameron, Robert P (2018) Monochromatic knots and other unusual electromagnetic disturbances : light localised in 3D. Journal of Physics Communications, 2 (1). 015024. ISSN 2399-6528