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Sarri, Gianluca G. and Cecchetti, Carlo Alberto C.A. and Quinn, K. and Norreys, Peter A. P.A. and Trines, Raoul and Willi, Oswald O. and Fuchs, Julien E. J.E. and McKenna, Paul M. P.M. and Quinn, Mark N. M.N. and Pegoraro, Francesco F. and Bulanov, Sergei V. S.V. and Borghesi, Marco M.; Osvay, Karoly and Dombi, Peter and Fülöp, Jozsef Andras and Varjú, Katalin, eds. (2012) Employing laser-accelerated proton beams to diagnose high intensity laser-plasma interactions. In: Light and Extreme Intensities 2011. AIP Conference Proceedings . Springer, HUN, pp. 149-154. ISBN 9780735410664