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Dadzie, Kokou and Reese, Jason; Levin, D.A and Wysong, I.J and Garcia, A.L and Abarbanel, H, eds. (2011) Dissipative mass flux and sound wave propagations in monatomic gases. In: Rarefied gas dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1333 (1st). Springer, pp. 655-660. ISBN 9780735408890
Dongari, Nishanth and Dadzie, Kokou and Zhang, Yonghao and Reese, Jason; Levin, D.A. and Wysong, I.J. and Garcia, A.L. and Abarbanel, H., eds. (2011) Isothermal micro channel gas flow using a hydrodynamic model with dissipative mass flux. In: Rarefied gas dynamics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1333 (1st). Springer, USA, pp. 718-723. ISBN 9780735408890