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Pincik, E. and Gleskova, H. and Mullerova, J. and Mraz, S. and Jurani, R. and Zahoran, M. and Jergel, M. and Brunner, R. and Gmucova, K. and van Swaaij, R. A. C. M. M. and Zeman, M. and Kucera, M.; Mudron, J. and Sutta, P. and Mullerova, J. and Vajda, J. and Barancok, D., eds. (2001) Transformation of semiconductor surfaces due to low-energy particle impacts. In: Proceedings of the 7th international workshop on applied physics of condensed matter. International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter held in Liptovský Mikuláš, Demänovská dolina, Slovakia, September 2001 . UNSPECIFIED, Slovakia, pp. 138-141. ISBN 8080401608