Overview of co-designing a digital solution using PROMs for people with dementia

Kernaghan, David and Maguire, Roma and Egan, Kieren (2020) Overview of co-designing a digital solution using PROMs for people with dementia. In: University of Waterloo, Canada- University of Strathclyde joint Research Colloquium, 2020-11-12 - 2020-11-12.

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Patient Reported Outcome Measures are medical questionnaires routinely completed by patients during treatment to assess & monitor their condition and quality of life from their own perspective. While PROMs have seen increased use & success, traditional PROMs can be challenging for People with Dementia. For my study, I will research implementing PROMs using Intelligent Virtual Assistants, devices that allow users to communicate & interact using a variety of different method. This approach offers more ways to communicate PROMs, collect them more frequently & adapt to users changing needs.