Case study : food, drink and community building in a women's museum

Porteous, Holly (2023) Case study : food, drink and community building in a women's museum. insightOut Journal on Gender and Sexuality in STEM Collections and Cultures, 1. pp. 53-57. (

[thumbnail of Porteous-insightOut-2023-food-drink-and-community-building-in-a-womens-museum]
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This short case study discusses how museums can draw on hospitality practices to create an atmosphere of inclusivity and mutual support. In-depth research into a women's museum, archive, library, and community space has highlighted how food and drink has been used as part of feminist organisational practice to foster a sense of openness and welcome. Our case study organisation sought to empower a diverse community of women, and the symbolism of food and drink was integral to helping museum staff and volunteers to form strong connections with visitors and service users. Building a sense of community in this way is an invaluable way for cultural organisations such as museums, which can sometimes be seen as intimidating by those experiencing vulnerability, to connect with a broader range of people.