Co-located battery energy storage optimisation for dynamic containment under the UK frequency response market reforms

Fan, Fulin and Nwobu, John and Campos-Gaona, David (2023) Co-located battery energy storage optimisation for dynamic containment under the UK frequency response market reforms. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2096-0042 (In Press) (

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The accelerated development of battery technologies heightens an interest in co-locating battery energy storage systems (BESSs) with renewable power plants for the stacking of multiple revenue streams such as frequency response services to AC grids. The frequency response market reforms in the UK introduce new end-state services and require evaluating the techno-economic feasibility of co-location projects in new circumstances. This paper develops a BESS optimisation method to optimise the capacity and operating strategy of a co-located BESS for providing the latest Dynamic Containment (DC) services based on the UK perspective. The BESS optimisation method simulates the BESS delivering DC responses and following operational baselines for state of energy (SoE) restoration as well as coordinating with its co-located power plant. Then the net present value of the BESS co-location project is estimated from power flows across the system and maximised to suggest the optimal BESS capacity, target energy footroom and/or headroom levels for baseline estimation, and possible SoE ranges suitable for energy interchange with its co-located power plant. The BESS optimisation method is tested based on a particular transmission-level wind farm in the UK and discussed alongside the operation and profitability of a BESS co-location project under frequency response market reforms.