Partial fractional Fourier transform (PFrFT)-MIMO-OFDM for known underwater acoustic communication channels

Chen, Yixin and Clemente, Carmine and Soraghan, John J. (2021) Partial fractional Fourier transform (PFrFT)-MIMO-OFDM for known underwater acoustic communication channels. Information, 12 (11). 469. ISSN 2078-2489 (

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Communication over doubly selective channels (both time and frequency selective) suffers from significant intercarrier interference (ICI). This problem is severe in underwater acoustic communications. In this paper, a novel partial fractional (PFrFT)-MIMO-OFDM system is proposed and implemented to further mitigate ICI. A new iterative band minimum mean square error (BMMSE) weight combining based on LDLH factorization is used in a scenario of perfect knowledge of channel information. The proposed method is extended from SISO-OFDM configuration to MIMO-OFDM. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed PFrFT-LDLH outperforms the other methods in the SISO-OFDM scenario and that its performance can be improved in MIMO-OFDM scenarios.