Hydraulically predictable water distribution networks
Tanyimboh, T. and Setiadi, Y.; Topping, B.H.V. and Mota Soares, C.A., eds. (2004) Hydraulically predictable water distribution networks. In: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on engineering computational technology. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom. ISBN 1759-3433 (http://dx.doi.org/10.4203/ccp.80.66)
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There is a considerable amount of uncertainty associated with the design and operation of water distribution systems. These include: long-term projections of the growth in demand; the spatial distribution of the nodal demands coupled with diurnal and seasonal consumption patterns; variations in electricity/energy tariffs; bursts and component failures; possible changes in pipe diameters and roughness with age. Following a pipe failure/removal or large localised increase in demand, flows in pipe networks are rerouted in complex ways which are generally difficult to predict prior to a full simulation of the network concerned. This can cause difficulties and further uncertainty at the design stage, because of the general inability to identify the critical elements of the network.
Tanyimboh, T.
Item type: Book Section ID code: 8616 Dates: DateEvent2004PublishedSubjects: Technology > Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Department: Faculty of Engineering > Civil and Environmental Engineering Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 21 Oct 2009 09:27 Last modified: 11 Nov 2024 14:35 Related URLs: URI: https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/id/eprint/8616