Labour market and other wider economy challenges in decarbonising the UK's industry clusters [LAB-CLUSTER]

Turner, Karen and Race, Julia and Katris, Antonios and Calvillo Munoz, Christian and Zanhouo, Abdoul Karim (2023) Labour market and other wider economy challenges in decarbonising the UK's industry clusters [LAB-CLUSTER]. In: Industrial Decarbonisation Research & Innovation Centre Annual Conference 2023 (IDRIC), 2023-05-16 - 2023-05-17, Kia Oval.

[thumbnail of Turner-etal-IDRIC-2023-Labour-market-and-other-wider-economy-challenges-in-decarbonising-the-UK]
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Through its Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy and specific mechanisms UK Government has committed to scale deployment of solutions such as Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) to decarbonise the UK’s industry clusters and to meet mid-century Net Zero ambitions. Understanding how these can be delivered in economically and politically feasible ways will be critical to the success of decarbonisation efforts and the realisation of wider economy benefits. This research aims to understand how persisting labour market supply constraints and other cost pressures may impact decarbonisation project delivery and sectoral/wider economy outcomes. Our research, focussing here on CCUS in the UK’s regional clusters, will enable consideration of how investment and deployment of industrial decarbonisation actions can be effectively delivered in a dynamic and challenging economic environment, where multiple net zero projects must compete for resources. It will also make a vital contribution to the evolving UK Government CCUS and Hydrogen business models that underpin decarbonisation in the industry clusters.