An Evaluation of the Scientific Basis of the Traffic Light System for Norwegian Salmonid Aquaculture
Eliasen, Kirstin and Jackson, David and Koed, Anders and Revie, Crawford and Swanson, Heather Anne and Turnbull, Jimmy and Vanhatalo, Jarno and Visser, André (2021) An Evaluation of the Scientific Basis of the Traffic Light System for Norwegian Salmonid Aquaculture. The Research Council of Norway, Oslo. (
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This document is the final report produced by an Evaluation Committee (EvalComm) set up under the auspices of the Research Council of Norway, at the request of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, to evaluate the scientific basis of the Traffic Light System (TLS) that is used to regulate the growth of the Norwegian salmon farming sector. The remit of the Committee was to focus primarily on two issues: (i) the choice of scientific models and methods (including their strengths and weaknesses, the handling of risk and uncertainty, and the quality of the assessments); and (ii) the extent to which the recommendations generated from the TLS reflect the scientific evidence. The EvalComm was formally constituted in late 2020 and met over the course of a year to fulfil its remit, which included an Interim Note in July 2021 as well as this final report. In addition to meetings among EvalComm members (mostly using an on-line medium) there were also a number of interactions early in the process with members of the Expert and Steering Groups linked to the TLS, to clarify questions of operational process and to ensure that all relevant documentation was available to the EvalComm.
Eliasen, Kirstin, Jackson, David, Koed, Anders, Revie, Crawford
Item type: Report ID code: 83724 Dates: DateEvent21 December 2021Published1 December 2021AcceptedSubjects: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > Environmental Sciences
Social Sciences > Industries. Land use. Labor > Management. Industrial ManagementDepartment: Faculty of Science > Computer and Information Sciences Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 16 Jan 2023 11:46 Last modified: 11 Nov 2024 15:56 URI: