Understanding protein corona formation under shear flow conditions

Daramy, Karim and Perrie, Yvonne and Rattray, Zahra (2022) Understanding protein corona formation under shear flow conditions. In: JPAG Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards and Careers Fair 2022, 2022-11-22 - 2022-11-22, RSC.

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Nanoparticles are small colloidal particles in the 1-100 nm size range. Polymeric nanoparticles are routinely explored for the development of novel drug delivery systems due to their unique and customizable physical and chemical characteristics. Upon introduction to protein-containing medium, nanoparticles will spontaneously adsorb proteins onto their surface and form what is known as the ‘protein corona’. The protein corona leads to changes in the physical and chemical parameters of nanoparticles, which subsequently alters their biological fate (cellular uptake, biodistribution). With most nanoparticles intended for intravenous administration, it is crucial to understand the impact of biological shear flow conditions on protein corona formation and how the protein corona influences their colloidal stability.