Absolute rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination of Na-like Kr25+
Huang, Z. K. and Wen, W. Q. and Wang, S. X. and Khan, N. and Wang, H. B. and Chen, C. Y. and Zhang, C. Y. and Preval, S. P. and Badnell, N. R. and Ma, W. L. and Liu, X. and Chen, D. Y. and Zhu, X. L. and Zhao, D. M. and Mao, L. J. and Ma, X. M. and Li, J. and Tang, M. T. and Mao, R. S. and Yin, D. Y. and Yang, W. Q. and Yang, J. C. and Yuan, Y. J. and Zhu, L. F. and Ma, X. M. (2020) Absolute rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination of Na-like Kr25+. Physical Review A, 102 (6). 062823. ISSN 2469-9926 (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.102.062823)
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The absolute rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination (DR) of sodiumlike krypton ions were measured by employing the electron-ion merged-beam technique at the heavy-ion storage ring CSRm at the Institute of Modern Physics in Lanzhou, China. The measured DR spectrum covers the electron-ion collision energy range of 0-70 eV, encompassing all of the DR resonances due to 3s→3p and part of the DR resonances from 3s→3d(Δn=0) and 3s→4l(Δn=1) core excitations. A series of peaks associated with DR processes have been identified by the Rydberg formula. The experimental DR results are compared with the theoretical calculations using a relativistic configuration interaction flexible atomic code and the distorted-wave collision package autostructure. A very good agreement has been achieved between the experimental results and the theoretical calculations by considering the strong mixing among the low-energy resonances in both calculations. The experimentally derived DR spectrum is then convolved with a Maxwellian-Boltzmann distribution to obtain the temperature dependent plasma recombination rate coefficients and compared with previously available results from the literature. The present experimental result yields a precise plasma rate coefficients at the low temperature range up to ∼1×106K and the calculated data by Altun et al. [Z. Altun, A. Yumak, N. R. Badnell, S. D. Loch, and M. S. Pindzola, Astron. Astrophys. 447, 1165 (2006)10.1051/0004-6361:20053278] provide reliable plasma rate coefficients at high temperature range above 2×106K.
Huang, Z. K., Wen, W. Q., Wang, S. X., Khan, N., Wang, H. B., Chen, C. Y., Zhang, C. Y.
Item type: Article ID code: 82724 Dates: DateEvent29 December 2020Published4 December 2020AcceptedSubjects: Science > Physics Department: Faculty of Science > Physics Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 12 Oct 2022 15:22 Last modified: 18 Mar 2025 17:57 URI: https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/id/eprint/82724