What are the characteristics of engineering design processes?

Maier, Anja M. and Störrle, Harald; Culley, S.J. and Hicks, B.J. and McAloone, T.C. and Howard, T.J. and Malmqvist, J., eds. (2011) What are the characteristics of engineering design processes? In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), 68 . The Design Society, DNK, pp. 188-198. ISBN 9781904670216 (https://www.designsociety.org/publication/30419/WH...)

[thumbnail of Maier-Störrle-ICED-2011-What-are-the-characteristics-of-engineering-design-processes]
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This paper studies the characteristic properties of Engineering Design (ED) processes from a process modelling perspective. In a first step, we extracted nine characteristics of engineering design processes from the literature and in a second step validated the findings using results from our survey among academic and industrial ED process modelling experts. In a third step, we added a further nine characteristics from personal experiences in the Language Engineering Domain to capture the pragmatic perspective. We arrive at a comprehensive set of 18 characteristics grouped into 6 challenges for process modelling in the engineering design domain. The challenges process modelers need to address when using and developing process modelling approaches and tools are: Development, Collaboration, Products & Services, Formality, Pragmatics, and Flexibility. We then compare the importance of elicited and suggested challenges and characteristics within engineering design with software engineering and business process modelling and discuss similarities and differences.