Imperfect competition and trade liberalization under the GATS
Francois, J.F. and Wooton, I.; Stern, Robert M., ed. (2001) Imperfect competition and trade liberalization under the GATS. In: Services in the International Economy. University of Michigan Press, Michigan, USA, pp. 141-156. ISBN 0-472-11217-1
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The book contains selected papers from the First World Services Congress, a forum designed to enhance awareness of the increasingly important role of services in the global economy and to reach out to governments, the business community, international organizations, academicians, and the media. The Congress served as a vehicle for the presentation and discussion of academic research on the entire spectrum of services issues, as well as business options and issues. The volume is divided into three parts. Part 1 deals with measurement, modeling, and analysis and covers such topics as measuring productivity in services; forecasting trade in services; data needs for services negotiations; modeling the economic effects of barriers to trade in services; imperfect competition and services liberalization; multilateral and regional liberalization of services; and measurement of service sector performance. Part 2 examines the role of services in developing economies, including geographic determinants of business services location; electronic commerce; and case studies of the structure and potential for services liberalization in India, Egypt, Senegal, Kenya, and South Africa. Part 3 explores options and issues in the Services 2000 negotiations to be conducted under the auspices of the WTO, covering telecommunications policy reform; insurance services; media services; negotiating proposals for effective services liberalization; and the formation of negotiating coalitions. This chapter focuses on the Imperfect competition and trade liberalization under the GATS
Francois, J.F. and Wooton, I.
Item type: Book Section ID code: 7926 Dates: DateEvent30 April 2001PublishedSubjects: Social Sciences > Commerce
Social Sciences > Economic TheoryDepartment: Strathclyde Business School > Economics Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 17 May 2009 15:38 Last modified: 11 Nov 2024 14:32 Related URLs: URI: