Characterization of HTS coils for superconducting rotating electric machine applications : challenges, material selection, winding process, and testing
Messina, Giuseppe and Yazdani-Asrami, Mohammad and Marignetti, Fabrizio and Corte, Antonio della (2021) Characterization of HTS coils for superconducting rotating electric machine applications : challenges, material selection, winding process, and testing. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31 (2). 9285175. ISSN 1051-8223 (
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The second-generation high-Temperature superconducting tapes (2G-HTS) such as the REBCO coated conductors are known for their strong mechanical properties and high current carrying capacity with low ac losses compared with first-generation HTS tapes as well as low-Temperature superconductors. Therefore, they seem to be good candidates to assemble coils for superconducting rotating electric machines (SuREMs). In this article, to investigate the influence of a soft magnetic composite (SMC) material on the dc and ac HTS coil performances at cryogenic temperatures, GdBCO-and YBCO-based commercial tapes from different manufactures were used to assemble ten HTS coils in double-pancake configuration. These tapes were wound using two different core structures, i.e., fixed and movable cores, having the same circular shape but different diameters as well as materials, i.e., fiberglass and SMC. Critical currents and ac transport current losses of these coils were measured using the electrical method. To evaluate the parallel and perpendicular components of the profile of magnetic flux density for each assembled HTS coil, a finite element model has been developed using Maxwell 2D. Eventually, the performance of different coils for SuREM application was discussed.
Messina, Giuseppe, Yazdani-Asrami, Mohammad ORCID:, Marignetti, Fabrizio and Corte, Antonio della;-
Item type: Article ID code: 76282 Dates: DateEvent31 March 2021Published7 December 2020Published Online2 December 2020AcceptedNotes: © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Subjects: Technology > Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Science > PhysicsDepartment: Faculty of Engineering > Electronic and Electrical Engineering Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 29 Apr 2021 15:41 Last modified: 10 Jan 2025 01:57 Related URLs: URI: