Fling-step recovering from near-source waveforms database

Schiappapietra, Erika and Felicetta, Chiara and D'Amico, Maria (2021) Fling-step recovering from near-source waveforms database. Geosciences, 11 (2). 67. ISSN 2076-3263 (https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11020067)

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We present an upgraded processing scheme (eBASCO, extended BASeline COrrection) to remove the baseline of strong-motion records by means of a piece-wise linear detrending of the velocity time history. Differently from standard processing schemes, eBASCO does not apply any filtering to remove the low-frequency content of the signal. This approach preserves both the long-period near-source ground-motion, featured by one-side pulse in the velocity trace, and the offset at the end of the displacement trace (fling-step). The software is suitable for a rapid identification of fling-containing waveforms within large strong-motion datasets. The ground displacement of about 600 three-component near-source waveforms has been recovered with the aim of (1) extensively testing the eBASCO capability to capture the long-period content of near-source records, and (2) compiling a qualified strong-motion flat-file useful to calibrate attenuation models for peak ground displacement (PGD), 5% damped displacement response spectra (DS), and permanent displacement amplitude (PD). The results provide a more accurate estimate of ground motions that can be adopted for different engineering purposes, such as performance-based seismic design of structures.