The behaviour of virtual synchronous machine (VSM) based converters in front of non-saturable faults
Yang, Zhenkun and Egea Alvarez, Agusti and Dysko, Adam (2020) The behaviour of virtual synchronous machine (VSM) based converters in front of non-saturable faults. In: The 15th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, 2020-03-09 - 2020-03-12.
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Power converter penetration has increased substantially in the last 20 years bringing new challenges from the system protection perspective. The power network is undergoing a major transformation as the major part of new installed power comes from non-synchronous sources such as wind or solar. These changes might lead to malfunction of the conventional protection schemes such as overcurrent protection or distance protection relays. At the same time, the reduction of the system inertia might cause the tripping of the Loss of Main protection due to a very aggressive Rate of Change of Frequency. To enhance the grid voltage source characteristic and mitigate the loss of inertia, a new set of converter controllers known as Grid forming Converter or Virtual Synchronous Machine has been suggested in recent years. The performance of VSM could provide a potential advantage compared to traditional power converter controllers when a large frequency deviation occurs helping to keep the system stable. This article quantifies and compares the performance of different converter control algorithms including Current Vector Control, Virtual Synchronous Machine and Power Synchronisation Control in front of different frequency events.
Yang, Zhenkun, Egea Alvarez, Agusti

Item type: Conference or Workshop Item(Paper) ID code: 72841 Dates: DateEvent12 March 2020Published5 March 2020AcceptedNotes: [1] T, Ackerman., T, Prevost., V, Vittal., et al.: 'A future without inertia is closer than you think', IEEE power & energy magazine., 2017 [2] A, Roscoe., M, Yu., A, Dyśko., et al,: 'A VSM ( Virtual Synchronous Machine ) Convertor Control Model Suitable for RMS Studies for Resolving System Operator/Owner Challenges', 2016, 15th Wind Integr. Work [3] R, Li., C, D, Booth., A, Dysko., et al.: 'Development of models to study VSC response to AC system faults and the potential impact on network protection', IET UPEC Conference., 2014, pp. 1–6 [4] R, Li., J, Zhu., Q, Hong., et al.: 'Impact of low (zero) carbon power systems on power system protection: a new evaluation 6 approach based on a flexible modelling and hardware testing platform', IET Renew. Power Gener., 2019, pp. 1–9 [5] V, Telukunta., J, Pradhan., A, Agrawal., et al.: 'Protection challenges under bulk penetration of renewable energy resources in power systems: A review', CSEE J. Power Energy Syst., 2017, 3, (4), pp. 365–379 [6] H, P, Beck. R, Hesse.: 'Virtual synchronous machine', 9th Int. Conf. Electr. Power Qual, 2007 [7] V, Converters., L, Zhang., L, Harnefors., et al.: 'PowerSynchronization Control of Grid-Connected Voltage-Source Converters', 2010, 25, (2), pp. 809–820 [8] L, R, Castillo., A, Roscoe., S, Member.: 'Experimental Stability Assessment of Converter-Dominated Electrical Grids', 16th Wind Integr. Work., 2017 pp. 1–6 [9] J, Morren., S, W, H, de Haan., W, L, Kling., et al.: 'Wind turbines emulating inertia and supporting primary frequency control', IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 2006, 21, (1), pp. 433–434 [10] Y, Amirnaser., R, Iravani.: 'VOLTAGE-SOURCED CONVERTERS IN POWER SYSTEMS. Modeling, Control, and Applications’, (IEEE Press, 2001, 1st edn), pp. 204-244 [11] Z, Shuai., C, Shen., X, Yin., et al.: 'Fault Analysis of Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generators with Different Control Schemes', IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 2018, 33, (3), pp. 1223–1235 [12] S, D’Arco., J, A, Suul., 'Equivalence of virtual synchronous machines and frequency-droops for converterbased Microgrids,' IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 2014, 5 (1), pp. 394–395 [13] S, D, Arco., J, A, Suul., 'Virtual Synchronous MachinesClassification of Implementations and Analysis of Equivalence to Droop Controllers for Microgrids.', 2013, IEEE Grenoble Conference. Subjects: Technology > Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering Department: Faculty of Engineering > Electronic and Electrical Engineering Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 24 Jun 2020 06:52 Last modified: 03 Feb 2025 08:56 Related URLs: URI: