The influence of magnetic nanoparticle concentration with dextran polymers in agar gel on heating efficiency in magnetic hyperthermia

Skumiel, Andrzej and Kaczmarek, Katarzyna and Flak, Dorota and Rajnak, Michal and Antal, Iryna and Brząkała, Hubert (2020) The influence of magnetic nanoparticle concentration with dextran polymers in agar gel on heating efficiency in magnetic hyperthermia. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 304. 112734. ISSN 0167-7322 (

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The article presents the results of research on the effect of magnetic hyperthermia performed on agar gel samples containing magnetite nanoparticles coated with dextran polymers for different molar weight M (150 kDa, 70 kDa, and 40 kDa). Regardless of the difference in molar dextran weights, these samples differed in a mass concentration of nanoparticles in the ferrogel C 0 (1.602 mg/cm 3, 2.506 mg/cm 3, 3.311 mg/cm 3, and 4.218 mg/cm 3). In the case of the highest magnetic field value H (20 kA·m −1), the specific loss power SPL reaches 70 W·g −1 for nanoparticles with 150 kDa dextran at a concentration of nanoparticles C 0 = 1.602 mg/cm 3. An oscillating magnetic field with an amplitude up to 20 kA·m −1 and a frequency of 357 kHz was used in the study.