All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave transients in the second Advanced LIGO observing run
Abbott, B. P. and Angelova, Svetoslava and Reid, Stuart, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration (2019) All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave transients in the second Advanced LIGO observing run. Physical Review D, 99 (10). 104033. ISSN 1550-2368 (
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We present the results of a search for long-duration gravitational-wave transients in the data from the Advanced LIGO second observation run; we search for gravitational-wave transients of 2-500 s duration in the 24-2048 Hz frequency band with minimal assumptions about signal properties such as waveform morphologies, polarization, sky location or time of occurrence. Signal families covered by these search algorithms include fallback accretion onto neutron stars, broadband chirps from innermost stable circular orbit waves around rotating black holes, eccentric inspiral-merger-ringdown compact binary coalescence waveforms, and other models. The second observation run totals about 118.3 days of coincident data between November 2016 and August 2017. We find no significant events within the parameter space that we searched, apart from the already-reported binary neutron star merger GW170817. We thus report sensitivity limits on the root-sum-square strain amplitude hrss at 50% efficiency. These sensitivity estimates are an improvement relative to the first observing run and also done with an enlarged set of gravitational-wave transient waveforms. Overall, the best search sensitivity is hrss50%=2.7×10-22 Hz-1/2 for a millisecond magnetar model. For eccentric compact binary coalescence signals, the search sensitivity reaches hrss50%=9.6×10-22 Hz-1/2.
Abbott, B. P., Angelova, Svetoslava and Reid, Stuart
Item type: Article ID code: 68544 Dates: DateEvent15 May 2019Published14 May 2019Published Online28 March 2019AcceptedSubjects: Science > Physics Department: Faculty of Engineering > Biomedical Engineering Depositing user: Pure Administrator Date deposited: 20 Jun 2019 11:42 Last modified: 17 Mar 2025 01:27 URI: